Friday, February 27, 2009

Newspaper Article

Main idea: The main point in the newspaper article is that ten people got into a fight over who knows-what. Police came and people started to walk away from the situation.

Opinion: I think that people are dumb these days it comes to gang related fights, stealing stuff from other people, fighting over know one knows. People just don't use their heads and instead they use their fists instead of words. But I have got into a couple fights with girls and one guy. Girls tell the B**** to shut up and then they fight. but then it just ends with beat the S*** out of each other. I think this article was dumb and ridiculous because people don't think before what they do I am a lover NOT a fighter so I try to solve it with words. I just hope that none of my siblings have to go through what I have done in my past days

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Correcting Common Errors Words With Extra Letters

  1. The coach thanked the entire swim team.
  2. What is the best feature of that car?
  3. After years of dry weather, the farmers hoped for rain.
  4. Where is the movie theater on this street?
  5. At the trial, the judge spoke.
  6. We thought we could save time by taking a shortcut.
  7. Some of the litter on the beach is made of plastic.
  8. Shala invited friends to her house for a party.
  9. Our town is building a skateboard park.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Assignment when I was absent

Main idea: Mr. Tony Hawk has been a skateboarder most of his life, he got his first skateboard when he was nine years old. Nine years later he became pro and the number one skateboarder. Some of his accomplishments include being stalked by the media and produced many video games. I have played his video games before, they are really fun and very exciting, they're practically addicting.

Response: When He said "I believe that people should take pride in what they do, even if it is scorned or misunderstood by the public at large", that really caught my eye. People need to believe in what others tell them and take pride in what you do each and everyday.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen

Summary: It first started when Cole lived in Minnesota. He went to a high school and he got snitched on by a kid named Peter Driscal. He got picked on from Cole many times just for the fun of it. Cole caught Peter in a corner and said "Your a dead man." After school Cole caught Peter outside in the parking lot. Cole attacked Peter and started hitting him hard in the face with his bare fists. Peter tried to escape out of it and walk away to be the better person. Cole jumped Peter and started smashing his head against the sidewalk. Cole had six other people pull him off of Peter to tell him "Chill out dude your killing him." Cole stopped, looked at Peter to see the damage that Cole had done to Peter's face, then he spit on him and said, "Nobody crosses Cole Matthews and gets away with it."
Opinion: Why did Cole beat up Peter? It was because Cole vandalized and broke into an abandoned house. Cole went to school the next day and bragged about what he had done that weekend. It got to Peter and he went straight to the principle and snitched on Cole. That's how Peter got put in the hospital by Cole Matthews.
Recomdation: If a student asked me "Is this a great book to read on my leavel"? I would defintely say yes of course. I loved his book it was like an adventure and wait for the day to go by and come back to class, then read more pages and find out what happens. I know I already read this book but I would read this on my alone time. The book was a little tricky at the begining because it took you back in Cole's past time in his life, but then it was awesome words can't explain it you just have to read it and enjoy it.

Friday, February 20, 2009


captan, decapitate

cardiogram, cardilogist

corpse, corporal punishment

comfirm, affirmatiion

Flex, Flect-
Flexile, flexing, deflect, reflection

Form- shape
formation, format, deformed

manicure, manufacture

pedicure, pedestrian

psycho, psychologist

Dict-to say
dictation, predict

Scrib, Script-to write
prescription, scribe,manuscript

Aud-to hear
auditon, auditorium

microscope, scope, telescope, periscope

spectacle, spectator, inspect

video, videographer, evidence

territory,extra terrestrial, terrace



Combine sentence from each root March 3rd:

The geologist studied about submarines, geology and the terrace.

population, popular, populace, pope

mater-, matr-mother
maternity, maternal, matriarch

pater-, patr- father
paternity, paternal, patriarch, patron

Cide, cise- Kill cut
homicide, suicide, insecticide, exercise, scissors

rupt- break
erupt, eruption, rupture, corrupt, interrupt

sect- cut (split)
sector, section, intersect, disect

mortality, motal, immortal, mortician

nation, nationality, natural, native, prenatals

generation, enocide, genes, genetics, genology

I am not scared of dead bodies and I always go to funerals when someone passes away in my family. I always was intersted in being mortician.

I was born in Salem Oregon, but my parents and their nationalities they weren't born in Salem Oregon.

My bio-father passed away before I was born, but I haveall the loving memories about him and pictures. I have his genes and the way he acts.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Newspaper Headlines

We will sell gas to anyone who has a glass container.
Needing a preschool teacher that can teach three year olds, need experience.
A stolen painting found next to a tree.
Two sisters reunited after 18 years at a checkout counter.
The high school dropout percentages have been cut in half.
The hospital was sued by seven podiatrists.


Firmly, confirm, affirmation
flexiable, reflection,flexing, deflect
Formation, (formal),nformation,format,Transform,deformed

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Anger Paragraph

My actions towards my parents were snotty and mean, I didn't care what they said and I never went to the movie theater. When I hung up on my mother she probally got mad because her own daughter hung up on her. I have done that in the past and had to suffer the consequences that were: grounded, doing chores, or getting my cell phone taken away from me for a week (and I don't like my cell phone taken away from me it's my entertainment.) I think next time to control my anger I will chill out, take it easy and not yell because my parents don't like yelling, it doesn't solve anything.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Anger skit

Things that I could possible act out and have an anger issue with it:

  • tell a friend about family and your stressful situations that you are going through
  • Friends how they can tell you one thing about advice for your boyfriend\ girlfriend
  • do something on the telephone watch language

Me: talking on my cell phone talking to a friend about going to the movies and then I have to tell my friend that I have to go ask my parents, then I go ask my parents and they tell me no. and I call my friend back and say that I can't go and freak out and talk about my parents and how they are towards me.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Second Roots

Dict- say
Dictator, Dictionary, Predict, Dictate

Scrib, Script- wirte
Sctripture, Describe, Inscribe, Scibble

Aud- hear
Audience, Audio, Auditorium, Audition

Anger Video

Ron could have hung up and called back a half an hour later, instead of yelling at the person and calling him names. When you are on the phone with a operator it does take awhile to do business over the phone instead of in person. When Ron throw the phone he could of knocked someone out. He should have went in person and dealt with his account.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Short paragraph questions

Conniving little brat, Doesn't care what people say about him and selfish

Now since he got off from the island he feels better and actually thought of what he got himself into.

I mean I don't feel bad for him because if you do anything wrong to get yourself into a mess you have to pay for the consequence's and get yourself out of that mess.