Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The book that I might be interested in reading is the book Brice read. I saw a newspaper Ad just like the book that talks about crimals all over the world. I always told people "Think before you do something that will get you into trouble with the law".

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Recommend a book to a friend.

I read Burnt Orange by Melody Carlson. I recently just read that book and got it at the library. It caught my eye because of the stripes on each novel. Burnt Orange was a great book that I read in four days. I do recommend this book to teenagers that have got into trouble with the law and have drinked under age. I have drunk under age that is why I was drawn into this book. If you like books about relationships and peoples live's Melody Carlson is a great author.

Monday, December 14, 2009


If I could change anything about the book that I disliked I would change how Arnold's life is with his parents. Every child should get love and care from parents, even if they're alcoholics. Arnold doesn't have a real girlfriend or friends. Everyone likes to judge about how people dress, act, and who they hang out with. I think that is bull that the kids at Reardan high don't give him any respect just because he has a birth defect when he was little. I like to get to know anyone that wants to say "Hello, how are you today"? I liked the ending when Rowdy and him got a long much better. Rowdey actually cried. My first impression with Rowdy was he was a stuck up brat that was selfish and didn't give a crap about anyone else, but towards the end of the book he was crying because he realized he cared about other people feelings. For example When Rowdy didn't like how Arnold's sister Mary died in the fire and he heard about it. Wraping it up, my overall opinion with the book that you read I liked it, but I didn't love it. It was funny, caring, loving, and eye catcher.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Does Arnold have supportive parents?

Arnold kinda has supportive parents when is comes to devastating moments.
I know where he is coming from when he says that his parents don't say "I love you" to him that much. I usually say I love you to my parents when I am leaving the house for awhile. At this moment in the book his parents say "I love you" because his sister died and his mom doesn't want Arnold to leave her. Arnold obviously has parents, but he is probably scared to go up to his mom or dad and ask questions and to tell about his day. If I had parents like that I would somehow go to the parent that is the most supportive and wanting to hear about my day.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I would give up the other four sense's and stay with see . The reason why I would want to keep sight is because if someone signed to tell me to smell this product I could remember. After I saw I would already know what the product would smell like.

Friday, December 4, 2009

The person who I am

I grew up in a outgoing, respectful, loving, caring family with a lot of freedom. I can say that I am some what like my mother with her personality and how she carries herself. My personality is straight forward with the truth. I love being a social butterfly and letting everyone have the chance to meet and speak to me. I never met my biological father, but I am very close with his family. I have got information on how I act and look like him. My mom was going to get married when she was pregnant with me in 1991. But an accident death happened when my father passed away in June of 1991 (I can't tell anymore I'm going to start crying). Anyways. I look up to my step-dad Steven Jackson as a father figure (he's the man of the house). He came into my life when I was just three and my older sister just turned five. I love to be myself and NOT judgmental.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Favorite and dislike about the book

I'm afraid that this book is going to be as boring book by the time we're in the middle of it, but you never know. My favorite part is when we first started reading this novel and how it started out with how his life is. My least favorite part about this book is. His sister moving and talking about her life. She goes on and on.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Favorite television show

I have several television shows I enjoy to watch. Desperate Housewives, Pitbull and Parolees, Tough Love, The Hills. I like tough love the t.v. show. It's a boot camp were several females come to the boot camp and help with their personal relationships. I like romance novels and advice about relationships, because it helps me learn. Pitbull parolees is a tight show. The show is taking place in Southern California. Tia that host the show been around jail bate people that have been in and out jail. She also takes in a lot of Pitbulls that are in fights, dangerous, and their owners wont take care of them. This species is very lovable and friendly when you actually pay attention and give it attention. Desperate Housewives is an awesome eye catching television show. Its about a small cold-a-sack street, where families know each other very well. They gossip about each other lives and know everything.

Friday, November 20, 2009

A list that I am thankful for

  • My family. They've been there for me thick through thin.
  • School. Proud of myself that I am still in school, graduating this year as a senior (not a super senior).
  • To still be alive.
  • That my family is growing and I get to be involved.
  • For still having faith and not giving up to a find a job.
  • For having a roof over my head and still living.
  • For having two wonderful entertaining dogs.
  • To still have my family to support me.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

What am I going to do on my week off for Thanksgiving?

Monday I am sure going to the open house, and inviting my family that choose's to come. I want to go to my Aunt Malia's house to see my little cousins, but she hasn't texted me back. I love them soo much. Im full of energy and, so are they. On the twenty seventh of November I'm heading to my mom's mother's house to gather with my family, and also see my new baby cousins that my Aunt Suzeanne just delivered. After Thanksgiving is over, the next day,` my family plans on having a gathering at the table to have a feast.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sentence combining

1. Junior is a Spokan Indian and, he lives on a reservation.

2. At Reardan High School Junior is one of the smartest kids but, Gordy is smarter.

3.Junior has a hard time getting to school but, sometimes he has to walk all 22 miles.

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

I love this book!! When you told us the title of the story I thought to myself, "Why on earth would you choose this book? It isn't going to be a great book to focus on." But they always say don't judge a book by it's cover. I used to not to choose to read books. This book is about his life and what he goes through everyday (a diary about his life). Why would he think he is a part-time Indian? Maybe because he fits well in with the white crowd and acts half white half Indian. We first started reading the first chapter readers eyit was halrious! This book is breathtakingly honest, funny, profane, sad and will catch readers eye.

Friday, November 13, 2009

With out technology

How would I entertain myself if I didn't have any technology. I would drive everywhere to my friends house and set a schedule when I could see them. The majority of people in the world don't have technology. I would entertain myself like doing outdoors sports and activities. For myself I probably couldn't live with out my cell phone, computer, and television. I have them everyday around me. I'm used to using them everyday.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Junior from the book

I love this book it keeps me entertained. When I visualize Junior, he looks like an Indian of course, wears clothes that aren't in fashion and loves school. Junior seems like a loving sweet little boy and people don't want to get to know him just pick on him. There're bullies everywhere you go in schools, buildings, and outside in public. If I meet a person like Junior I would love to be his best friend. People like to judge really quick on what they wear, how they look and who they hang out with. I absolutely hate people like that. I look down on them. The majority of people are nice and friendly.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Connecting with the book that we read yesterday

I loved how he started out talking about what he has gone through. Also, I like how he talks like teenagers so we laugh and understand what he's telling and talking about. I connected with him talking about his dog. His dog was his best friend until his dad shot him. My dog's mean everything to me . They're friendly, funny, adorable, and playful. It Seems like I can talk to them and some what they understand me(pretty funny). Everything that is living has to have a brain.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

An obstacle that I am overcoming

I got an M.I.P in April 2009. Now today, I am bumping into my old friends and saying no to drugs because I want to live a healthy life and be their for my family when they need me. I still have a hard time to leave my old friends in the past that I got an M.I.P with. I guess people don't know the word no and stay away. I lost a lot of friends over drinking. I just want the best for my family and I. Yes I can admit that I do talk to my friends that I got an M.I.P with, but I would never get back into drinking alcohol and smoking. My old friends always ask me, "Do you want to drink tonight"? I have to turn it down. Then they try peer pressure. They seem to always think in their little minds that I am still the old Mackenzie and party a lot. I tell them that people change and it is part of growing up.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

If I was going to write a story about me

My adventure through high school. When I started high (freshman year) I was popular, friendly with all people that wanted to meet me, happy (smiley). I've never got decent grades in high school. I started flunking in eigth grade, that is where my parent's started to see a bad side of Mackenzie. I always partied, snuck out of the house and picked friends that were bad influences on me. I hated my family, didn't care about school and didn't think twice before I did something that could possibly get me into trouble with the law. Everything changed on April 2009, when I got an M.I.P. I used to be friends with a girl I have knowned since middle school (no names). She was a tight friend to be around twenty-four seven. I didn't spend much time with my family and didn't bother to think that family is all you've got, keep them close to your heart. I picked friends over anything. I was a wild child to my parent's. And a bad reflection on my younger brother and sister. April was the month I was at her house doing the usual hang out, gossip, eat junk food and stay up late. That night I got a text message from one of my other friend. He asked if I wanted to go to a kick back in Keizer. I was already in Keizer (that is where she lived). We went to the kick back and started drinking, blarring loud music, and getting wild. My opinion is teenagers think drugs are great and mess with them everyday until you get caught. That is what happened to me in April. Police banging on the door. The owner didn't let the police in because it wasn't for a picticualr reason to let them in (stupid owner). I was currently sitting at the table trying to sober up with my friends. Then I saw a face in the window. "Shout" I yelled "It's the cops let them in the front door". Everyone at the party was under age except for the owners. Three of my friends got breathalyser test done (since they were drunk and couldn't speak well). All of my friends passed and had to wait for their parents come and get them. I looked at the time when we got caught it was three AM. Luckily my father came and picked me up. He was ready to go to work. I was screwed for the rest of the summer. I got my privileges taken away from me, lost trust in my parents basically having a life in a jail cell.

I turned my life around since I am turning eighteen less than a week. I realized a lot of things that I love and charish but never knew them when I was a wild child (I can admit to that now because it is the truth). I didn't have a great relationship with my brother and sister. I love them now till I die. I got everything back that I didn't know meant the world to me. I focus on school much more than I used to. I go to school everyday, wake up proud of myself, do outdoor activities with my brother and sister, go to family sport games, read more, listen to others, care for individuals, and finally have respect to me and say no to drugs.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Notebook-The Wedding

I've seen the movie Notebook and I've already read the book. I like seeing movies then read the book that relates to the movie. Books give more details than movies. Now I'm reading the second part of the Notebook named, The wedding. The wedding is about Noah and Allie's children and how they live each others lives. The speaker is Wilson, the husband of Jane, which Jane is Noah's oldest daughter. Noah is in a retirement home with Allie that has Alzheimer's and can't remember much when she was young and can't remember her children. Where I am at in my book is, where Anna the second child ran into Wilson and Jane's house unexpectedly yelling "I'm getting married this Saturday." Anna wanted to do the wedding early as possible because Noah is getting older by the minute. She wants him to be there. I don't dislike anything about any book I choose to read. I love romance novels that are about people's lives. Those books excite me.

Friday, October 30, 2009

My choice!

I'm going to Portland to my Aunt Malia's house today and coming home on Sunday. My Uncle Mike is going on a business trip to Seattle. She asked me if I'm doing anything for Halloween. I said no. Today I am going home to pack to go to my aunts house. Then my dad is going to take me to the GreyHound station to buy my ticket. This morning my mom told me (like a worried parent she is) "You don't know people on the bus, so just read your book and listen to music."
I responded, "I already know mom." I love my mother, but sometimes she needs to know that I am not her little girl anymore. I'm growing up.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Formal letter

Dear Rebekah,

I would love to have confidence to be successful and to be smart. I've been in read 180 since seventh grade. None of the read 180 classes has helped me, until I went to Roberts Downtown Learning Center. I never liked to read books because I never took my time to look for books I enjoy. Now I can't get my nose out of books. I've improved my lexile, reading score, and comprehension all thanks to this school that gives undivided attention to every student that hasn't done great throughout high school.

Mackenzie Rowley

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My two loving dogs

We just got Bella on Memorial weekend. She is a pitbull and a lab. Bella is full of energy, play full, happy, and smart. Bella always likes to be scratched on her bottom (she goes nuts when you do that to her). Whenever she has a toy in her mouth she'll drop it in your lap (I try to ignore her), but I give in and throw her toy. When I pick up her toy her energy level is so high in the sky and she is happy that someone is paying attention to her. Bella is determined to catch her toy. Its funny how when you're about to throw her toy, her facial expression always makes me laugh.

Megan is a long haired daschound. She is orange with white paws, white chest, and freckles on her feet and nose. Daschound's are always loud, barking, and wanting attention seven days a week. Megan can be a spoiled brat, steal food on your plate and try to attack Bella when she gets near her and me. She is attached to me. I've went to California for a week came back and she wouldn't get out of my hair. Megan kept jumping on my legs and trying to get attention like she was a squid suction cupped on my leg (that's not the first thing I want to come home too). Megan doesn't fetch. Only Bella does. I tried but she just looks at me like what are you trying to say and do.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Poem we read in class (This be the verse)

The author wrote this poem to tell people not to trust anyone in this world. I like this poem because it is very truthful. It's true about parents when they are mad or drinking they tend to blame you for their faults.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Poem about hair

Hair is long and shiny
Hair can go down to your hinny
It can be curly or straight
Appreciate and don't hate
Be nice and donate

Friday, October 23, 2009

This weekend

I have an interview with Aeropostale. I was suppose to go to my aunt Malia's house since my uncle Mike is out of town for a business trip, but I can't because of the interview I have going on this weekened. My parents are interested in doing a 5k with me, we're all athletic. I wish I could see Kyle (my boyfriend) but things aren't going well. Today i'm going home and sleeping.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Boys are always fun.
I love to hang out with them.
They can be quiet.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


If it wasn't for females, men wouldn't be making love to us!

No emotions.
Hard to understand.
Life of the parties.
Flirt magnets.
Dirty dogs.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I love this song by Easton Corbin

The main idea to this song is. There is a black and white side to everyone (nobody is perfect). You don't get everything you want from someone you care about.

"I'm a little more country than that". I have a boyfriend that is a little bit older than me. We have gone through the same issues with relationships. Kyle told me listen to this song and it would tell me about his feelings towards a women he cares about. The song made me speechless and it made sense how he does feel about a women he cares about. Kyle doesn't want to say those three little words to a women and then take it back.

"I'm a little bit more country than that" lyrics:
Imagine a dirt road full of pot holes with a creek bank and some cane poles cathching channel cat im a little more country than that picture your small town with and old hound laying out front of the court house while the old men chew the fat im a little more country than that i just want to make sure you know just who your getting under this old hat cuz girl im not the kind to two time or play games behind your back im a little more country than that think of a hank song from days gone where the steal ride is so strong it sends chills up your back im a little more country than that if you want a brick home in a school zone with the doors locked and alarms on girl your way off track im a little more country than that i just want to make sure you know just who your getting under this old hat cuz girl im not the kind to two time or play games behind your back im a little more country than that yeah' im sure that you herd those three words from others but they fell flat but this ring aint something that i mean to give you then take back im a little more country than that im a little more country than that im a little more country than that.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Why do people write poetry?

People write poetry for lots of reasons. You can write to get your emotions out, how you struggled with your life when you were young about a loved one, and your aggression. There are some really great poems that I have read. It reflects on some situations I've been in.

Monday, October 12, 2009

A place that I would want to visit again, but scary

I don't know if you've heard about Zena backwards church. I have been to many times to remember. I went with some group of friends at three a.m. at the cemetery. We parked our car in the orchards, walked through the orchards. I heard from people and did some research of my own about Zena church. That when you walk through the orchards you can hear a little girl and boy playing with their toys. They will follow you then follow you through rocks behind your feet and go to the maiden kitchen and continue to play. It was freaky. Another time was with a group of friends and we started walking towards the gate and my friend said "Hold on I don't feel to well, wait". So I waited for him he pucked on the side of the road. I didn't know where the rest of my friends went. Sixten and I walked up the gravel road and tried to find the rest of our friends. We decided to look in the church windows. We spotted a light and silhouette of a old man (FREAKY). We finally found the rest of our friends in the grave yard. They were taking pictures, laying on graves, and playing weegie board game. I have been there SO many times I can go on and on talking about Zena church.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

A place that I call home

I label my bedroom as my apartment. It's a big room, but I live in a house (might not make sense but it does to me). My room is really cozy, warm, comfortable, and you can be yourself. I call it my own space to think and get away from my family and friends. My friends are always shocked by how many products I have in my room. I love it because I can spice up my style everyday. It's cool to me. In one corner I have all my things that belong to me including my bed, and in another part of my room I have a television with a play station hooked up to my t.v. I barely watch or play games on it. I wish I could add a cozy couch, but I would have to find one that is in good shape and affordable.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What I remember about Semptember 11th

I heard A LOT about September 11th on the news, people chatting, at school and whole family. It was devastating to me what these terrorists did. Why did they do it? Maybe some scientists know why they did it, but I want to know for myself. A lot of people were crying, people lost plenty of family and friends. People worked at the twin towers. I wouldn't know where to run to the nearest exit. People that worked at the very top of the building would die instantly because that is where the plan hit.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Where would I go outside the Unites States

I went to my aunt Jai's house last weekend I have two aunt's that are twins. I haven't seen her for over two years. I have only seen her three times out of my eighteen years. So I didn't know much about her. She was telling me a story about South Africa and how when you walk down path ways (they aren't streets just mud path ways), you see little children that look like they live in the garbage, peeing in holes, having barely any shelter over their heads.They didn't have a toilet like majority of people in the United States. They don't have shoes, no money, and killing pigs and lambs to eat just for dinner. Basically anything that has four legs that is living. I'm a person that likes to take risks and see different places out of my comfort zone, it's very interesting. It made me devastated what my aunt Jai was telling me about this country how people can still survive and live in the outdoors. We, the people in the United States, are so lucky to have shelter, food on the table, shoes, clothes, water to bath ourselves, and a toilet.

Friday, October 2, 2009

My ideal day

On a sunny day me, my boyfriend, my family, and his family would go to a local park, have a great BBQ, and play park games. My family hasn't met Kyle's family. I would love my family to meet his family one day. Just by me meeting Kyle's family it's clear that our families are similar. Both families are goofy and they don't care who judges them. My family has met Kyle and they love him for who he is. My parents told me he is a winner because I have found the right man that is some what like me (goofy, crazy, down for whatever, dare devil, always smiling, and stress free life.) That would be my ideal day.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

My most embarrasing moment....

was when I was getting ready for school. I had an hour to get ready (do my hair, my make up, and pick out an outfit). I put on my eye shadow, later I put on mascara primer (which was white) and I walked to the bath room, to move on to do my hair. When I was done doing my hair I got dressed and ran out the door. When I got to school I was pulled aside from one of my friends and she said "Girl you need to fix you mascara. You have white eye lashes!" I got embarrassed and started laughing, cause it looked like I had a disease on my eye lashes. But now I look at myself in the mirror and make sure that I don't have white eye lashes, so I don't go to school looking all weirded out.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Why do people get addicted to drugs?

Why do people get addicted to drugs? Because it's around them, they associate themselves around people that are bad influence on them, and peer pressure. You can't control anyone and their lives. It's their choice to do the drugs and use it. Basically, I think it is peer pressure that is how I got starting using drugs. Then I quit because I wanted to live longer and saw that they weren't worth doing nothing. It slows down your life and it waists your time.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Why is an education good for me? Why do I come to school?

This is my last year to drive through and complete high school. I can't flunk and screw up my last year. If I was in a regular high school, I would flunk automatically. Why? Because when you have a big class room with about twenty five students and one teacher, you can't get the teachers attention right away. Whenever I got my teachers attention I forgot my question (I am enthusiastic). I love this school because it is a small class room and two teachers to help you out. I come to school, so I can get my career job and be successful and learn something new everyday. I don't want to have minimum wage job for the rest of my life. If I go to college, I'll be the first kid to go to college. this will make my parents proud of me. They are already proud of me so far.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

What would I do when I lost all my house and valuables?

If a fire occurred when I wasn't home and I came back with no house. I would be devastated. I would care about my family instead of my belongings. I wouldn't care if I had worn the same clothes on my back for three days or more. I've never experienced a fire or a flood, but my cousins had have their own house burnt down, which they lived a block away from me. What would me and my family do if I didn't have a house? I would try to go to a relatives house. We have a lot of support from our family.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


What does dedication mean to me? It means, a goal that you want to accomplish, or something that you want to accomplish in your future to be a better person for yourself and others around you. I have a lot of goals in my life that I want to accomplish. I could give you a list, but it is never ending. I'll give you a few: One- going to college and being successful. Two- getting my permit and then my license afterwards. Three- show respect to everyone even if they are throwing a nasty attitude at you. Four- moving out of the read one eighty class and getting my G.E.D. And five- coming to school everyday even if I am tired (cough cough Rebkah telling me to go to school everyday), but that makes me push and drive myself to get to school everyday. This is my last chance for school to go to college.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Dean H. and secretary, Hello, my name is Mackenzie Marie Allen Rowley Jackson. On April, I went with some of my friends to a get together party that was in Salem Keizer. We went to the apartment started meeting new people (that I should've realized they were a bad influence on me), drinking was involved, and loud music. My parents knew that I was staying the night at a best friends house and my parents would come get me the in the morning time. Well that din't execute. Me and my friend decided not to stay at her house instead have a little fun that night (go drink). I knew my parents always loved me NO matter what happened to me. My parents were dissapointed in me getting an M.I.P. I don't like to see someone upset exspecially my parents. Every child wants to make their parents and family proud of what you accomplish in the near future. I took some thought the very next day what had happened that night and made some changes in my life: Not hanging around people that make bad choices, stop the drugs that I was using, and focus on my future. I'm going to school at the Downtown Leanring Center. I'm a senior and my last year to catch up and focus to be successful and go to college next winter fall to get my career job that I've always wanted (which I can't decide yet).

Since then I have not been doing any more drugs and have turned my life around. I enjoy spending time with my family coming home and telling them what happened everyday. I got into contact with my best friend from sixth grade, she made me realize and take two steps back that I did something really wrong (I thank her for helping me). I wake up every week day and look forward to go school. I'd never enjoyed school I just socialized a lot and not give a dam about school work. This school is amazing, I used to have a bad comprehension problem , low reading lexile score, and not to good at writting. All that has changed. My parents are proud of me I love that feeling to hear that from my parents. My younger brother, sister, dad, and mom have seen a HUGE change in me. We have wonderful realtionships together it's amazing unbelieveable to think that I turned around and like to spend time on my family realtionship.

I want to give you a list of my goals in my life that I want to accomplish:
  • Going to college
  • Get a part-time job
  • Study for my permit/license test
  • Believe in me and others
  • Be successful
  • Be courteous to others
  • Have a positive attitude even if it is stressful situations
  • Stay away from people that are using drugs
  • Don't be selfish
  • Worry about others before me

Friday, September 18, 2009

My grandmother Kathy Nuss (my mothers mom) sounds, acts, and take care of me just EXACTLY like my mother (Kimberly). I love my grandparents, their two special grandparents that I enjoy visiting. Both of my parents were in California four weeks ago. My grandma lives ten minutes away from my parents house. She told me to call her when I need to speak to someone for advice, and to chat if I'm lonely. I look up to her as my mother, because she did a good job raising my mother.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


I love to be athletic in my spare time. I don't like to watch television, I would only do that when I'm bored or want to catch up on my television shows. I have to have my cell phone wherever I go, even if it is to the bathroom. I do have a boyfriend that I met on June 19th by my sisters boyfriend. Kyle is his name. He's amazing and I love being around him because he has a since of humor, and could always make me laugh when I'm not in a happy mood. He brings my spirit right back up. Also in my spare time I like to clean my room and listen to music, and walk my dogs. I love love animals.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Summer Plans

My plans for this summer are... I am going to get a job. Today I am going job hunting and there are places that are hiring. I just want to be busy this whole summer. I don't want to sit around my house and not do a damn thing. I plan on getting a job and reading (I'm actually getting a library card today). I also am going to enjoy the summer's weather and go swimming in lakes, rivers, and my grandparents pool because they have a in ground pool in their backyard. As I look back from last summer and now this summer that is coming up in awhile. I got into a lot of trouble last summer always partying, not coming home when I am suppose to, and meeting people that I shoudn've not meet. Since this is a new year of 2009 I'm starting fresh and not going back to my old past.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Books that I am Intersted in

Project 17 by Laurie Faria Stolarz
Kissing The Rain by Kevin Brooks
Lucas by Kevin Brooks

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Prediction about the story

I've already seen the movie so I am going to have to spoil it for you. Lily approaches August and ask August about her mother if she was here at the pink house. August goes inside the house and get a suit case that Lily's mother left here, I don't know why she left it there. Anyways, Lily opens it up and it has some of her mother's belongings in the suit case. In the suit case there is a hair brush, a mirror, a picture of her and Lily, and I believe that I remember a make up brush. August told Lily that T.Ray was lying to her the hole time about her mother. She believed August, about that her mother was coming back to get her daughter Lily.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Tiffany Marie Mcmahill. She has been there when I needed her every minute practally. When I had problems with guy situation, family probelms, and she is just there to tell your best friend about what you did today. Tiffan is really close to me because when I first met her she was a rocker didn't care what she acted like and looked liked. I met Tiffany through an old ex friend (which is her cousin) Deonna at the Ike Box. I was shy at first so was she, I liked her to be my friend because we were sooooo freakin funny and goofy. Me and Tiffany started to get close to each other when we started seeing eaach other more and more. I have to thank Deonna for introducing Tiffany to me. You know when you meet new people you don't want to tell them your whole life story. Well me and her clicked and didn't want to be seperated from each other, we would always call each other, laugh with each other, and do activites ith each other. Now that I see her and I am still her best friend from today we still kick it she has change a little bit with style the way she acts around men. Sometimes I like to think about I am her role model, but I always just told her that I am going to be here for her whenever she needs me that is a true best friend. Our friend ship is going to continue for the rest of our lives. That is what I think, but no one can't tell the future about whats going to happened in our lives.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Current Setting of the Book

Lily is in Tiburon South Carolina. She used to live with her father T. Ray Sylvan. She ran away from him for a great reason of him lying and bossing her around and didn't matter if she was his daughter. Her and Rosaleen are very good friends. She worked for T. Ray as a nanny. Rosaleen got taken to jail, Lily told Rosaleen lets get out of here and go to Tiburon. When Lily and Rosaleen got to the pink house with Black woman that lived there. Lily was scared to approach the house and make up a story to live at the pink house. Whenever she woke up to the smell of honey in the honey house on a cot to sleeps on. Lily would have to walk outside to the pink house where everyone was in the kitchen making breakfast. The pink house was very nice and always always clean because May had a cleaning problem, she's not normal after her twin sister died.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


1. I love this book. I would like to read this on my own free time. All the characters match the personalities. I love books that have an exciting begining in the first chapter. That's what gets me going on reading books. I also like how it is about a little girl and her adventurous life and what she does day by day.

2. There isn't really much to say bad about this book. It's going great with the characters and how they carry themselves.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

What Happened Over the Sunny Weekend?

What happened? Friday I bumped into a friend at a store close to my house, and we swapped numbers. Then later we both went to the Courthouse and worked out with each other. I need to stay in shape for this summer to fit in a swim suit and shorts. Saturday I woke up at ten thirty, and then my dad came home with my new dog Bella. He said "Time to get ready and help me and the family with the pool over at your grandparents house". Damn, I didn't want to go because I just woke up, but he said if I didn't go and help I don't get to swim in it this summer. So we went over to my grandparent's house and helped with the pool to put it all back together. We had a Bar-B-Q, actually my first Bar-B-Q for the first time this summer. Putting the pool together was a bonding experience with my big family and how we put the liner in. On Sunday I just sat around the house ate food while watching a couple of movies that I haven't seen. Then I went on a long jog and pushed myself up Madrona hill (It was a killer hill). Monday when I woke up, me and my family went to my grandparents house and swam in the new pool. The pool at my grandparents house has been at their place for twenty years. It was fun. I got burnt over the weekend. That is what I was hoping for so my sunburn can turn into a tan and it did.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Opinion about the book so far...

I think that the book gives more details than the movie. I own the secret life of bees and have seen it. Since we've been reading the book I thought about the movie and the book. I think books always give more detail. The movie is always in my head. The movie is shoter than a book. It always leaves out parts and the book doesn't. I like how you picked out this book, it's really interesting.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Setting from Secret Life of Bees

Lily and T. Ray had a peach farm. At the entrance to the farm they had a big wooden sign with OWENS PEACH ENTERPRISES in the worst orange color you've ever seen. The sign was nothing compared with the giant peach perched atop a sixty-foot pole beside the gate. It's fleshy color, not to mention the crease down the middle, that gave it the unmistakable appearance one of a rear end. Lily and T. Ray lived in Sylvan on the worst side of town. Old houses set up on cinder blocks. Fans wedges in the windows. Dirt yards. Women in pink curlers. Collarless dogs.

In her description of talking about the peach farm. She didn't like her farm that T.Ray was raising, Lily absolutely hated it. She got made fun from the students at school whenever they drove by the farm. Lily didn't really describe how it smelt just the way it looked. If you read about what she describes the farm as and you imagine what it would smell like, I'm pretty sure it would smell like manure and peaches ALOT.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Decribing Portland City

Last weekend I went to Portland where some of my family members lived. I had a blast so I want to live there when I move out. It's BEAUTIFUL, a lot of people around downtown, and gorgeous homes that are for one million dollars. When you walk outside and smell Portland's air it smells like nature, food, and flowers. I am a city girl; I couldn't live in the country. Why do I want to live in Portland? It's because it has a lot of people, a lot of action going on in the city, and more shopping places. It's just a bigger city to have fun in.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Whats happening this weekend?

Today I am going to go over to my boyfriends house right after school. I'm hanging out with him because on Saturday he is going to New York and Mexico to see his family. He has family all over the United States. Friday night me, my brother, my sister, and one of my cousins are all going to go to Portland to see my two cousins, my uncle, and my aunt. We always have fun up in Portland. My aunt is going to take me and my younger sister shopping (I don't know what store). At my uncle's and aunt's house we usually play with my cousins, do art and crafts, play video games, and the worst thing eat junk food (which I can work out, to work it off). My parents are really happy because they get the house to themselves and it is peace and quiet. They always like a couple days to themselves. This weekend is going to be a blast.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

What Lily could have done when Rosaleen was put in jail?

Lily is white and Rosaleen is black. Segeration was still happening at that time and whites couldn't be in the same building with blacks. Lily could of sent her a letter to the hospital, because she couldn't visit Rosaleen.

Lily could of talked to a black person that Rosaleen and Lily knew and she could have visited Rosaleen and told what Lily needed her to tell Rosaleen.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Character:A Friend Named Armondo

My best friend is charming, handsome, and sweet. He's always laid back and chill to talk to. He has helped me through my life and trying to find myself as a woman. I met Armondo last summer on June 1st at a friends house. I knew what he looked liked but never got to know the real side of him. The first thing he said to me was "I like your hair like that, all curly and cute." Armondo has always given me compliments since we met up with each other. "You're beautiful and I need you to know that Mackenzie." I always smiled and said thank you because I didn't know what else to say. He went to South Salem High School with me when I was a freshman, and he was a senior. He has told me that he has kept his eye on me since day one, but I don't believe that. This June will be two years since we've known each other. Everyting is great. We've been together as boyfriend and girlfriend happy as could be. He is a goof ball, but I love him for who he is. I always go see him whenever I can (that's everyday practically). I would never have thought we would be together as a happy couple because I don't look like the girl that would date a sweet, fun, and goofy guy.

-Five things they do or say

  • Goes to school
  • Plays basketball
  • Plays with his two dogs
  • "Whats good..."

-Five words that describe them

  • He explains himself well, when I ask him questions
  • Fun
  • Lazy
  • Goof ball
  • Freak

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Google: Civil Rights Movement

Civil rights was when whites controlled blacks and called them bad names. They used to beat them because they were a different race than white. The fight of civil rights happened between 1955-1968. The civil rights movement has also been called the Black freedom movement, the Negro revolution, and the second Reconstruction. Martin Luther King marched, protested, demonstrated, and spoke out against segregation. Within a couple of years, African-American had destroyed the barriers that existed between whites and blacks. In August of 1963, the world watched blacks and whites come together and grant Kings dream of racial equality.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Google South Carolina

  • The swamps of South Carolina are good for growing rice. South Carolina is known as the Rice State and the Swamp State.
  • SC is hmid in the summer time average temperatures 86-103. The highest temperature that the state has had was 111 degress.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Short Imaginative Story

It was the middle of the night and suddenly I remembered I forgot to bring the dog in from outside. I had to put on my robe and run through the house hurrying and trying to find my slippers. When I ran outside I couldn't find my dog. It was really chilly outside. I was outside for ten minutes trying to find her. I finally found her rolling in a dirt puddle. I said "Megan what are you doing?" I grabbed her and got myself all dirty. Then I went inside, gave her a bath because if I didn't give her a bath she would make the house stink and get the couch all dirty. My parents wouldn't be happy because it would've been my fault.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Compound Word Practice



I'm outdoors playing volleyball and doing backflips before hitting the ball. Without any knee pads.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

20 Years from now

When I would turn 37 I would have my own business and have my own house that would have my own name on the title. I want to open my own shoe and clothing line. I don't want children because they are cute and cuddly, but just not for me because they will interupt your life and what you are accomplishing. I'm excited for the future to what is coming and what I can do with my life.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Super Power I Would Like

I would like to freeze time whenever I want to. Why would I choose this super power? Because I have made mistakes in my life and I would like to go back and freeze time to fix things I did wrong to people I love. My life would basically be in heaven, and it would go smoothly just the way I like it. That power would come in handy mostly everyday. Like when I don't want to wake up for school, I can freeze time at nine and sleep till one. There are a lot of things that you can do when you freeze time. I just don't want to name EVERYTHING off.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

This I Believe

I strongly believe in living longer as much as you can, staying fit, and eating healthy.
I believe in this because if you can look into your future and see what road you are going down then you know how stable your life is going to be and how you can live the fullest.
I've heard stories about my parents childhood how they grew up. I saw for myself how they struggled with their weight, eating habits, how they didn't want to be athletic and move from the couch. My parents self image was lost due to them being overweight. Working out was not something they did, they didn’t have the energy to move their overweight bodies around. I also saw that my parents wanted to change at one point in their lives. My parents decided enough was enough and it was time to make a life style change and become healthy and fit. Their life style change has caused them to lose 117 pounds for my mom and 130 pounds for my dad. I love my parents for who they are and what they do to help my life out.
From their example I've decided to make my life more easier to watch what I eat not to sit on the couch eat food and watch television all day. Even if I say to myself that I am not fit enough, I think I still need to stay in shape at least stay toned up. I just need to watch what I eat, cut down and watch portion size. Or I will be not healthy in my elderly years.
People need to notice that you only live once and make it the best life you have for your kids and yourself. Make your life fun, peaceful, and an adventure. On the weekends go walk instead of driving. People need to look at the great things in life, to live a happier life.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Pre Writing

  1. I strongly believe in living longer as much as you can, staying fit, and eating healthy.
  2. I believe in this because if you can look into your future and see what road you are going down then you know how stable your life is going to be and how you can live the fullest.
  3. I've heard stories about my parents childhood how they grew up. I saw for myself how they struggled with their weight, eating habits, how they didn't want to be athletic and move from the couch. I also saw that they wanted to change at one point in their lives. I love my parents for who they are and what they do to help my life out. From their example I've decided to make my life more easier to watch what I eat not to sit on the couch eat food and watch television all day. People need to notice that you only live once and make it the best life you have for your kids and yourself. Make your life fun, peaceful, and an adventure.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Top Ten Things I Believe in

  1. I believe in second chances
  2. I believe in god
  3. I believe in institution of family
  4. I believe in love
  5. I believe in work
  6. I believe in play: relaxation very enjoyable on the weekends
  7. I believe in trusting a person
  8. I believe in ghost and spirits
  9. I believe in everyone can get to learn something and second chance to learn about it. Learning takes time
  10. I believe in that happiness needs to be spread around in the world
  11. I believe in living longer to stay healthy and athletic

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sentence Correcting

The car stopped at the red light.
Is the beginning of the story hard to believe?
Dante flipped a coin to decide who would kick off.
The pirates were digging for buried treasure.
The police permitted only one car to pass.
Krista tripped because she didn't tie her shoelace.
Jose is good at outrunning everyone.
"I could have done better," Patrick admitted.
Thierry was happy to be getting the soccer trophy.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Is it Important to Stand up for Family and Friends?

It really isn't a good idea to barge into someone else's problem and situation, But it is always good to help a friend or a family member out. I have helped out a friend with her problem about a boyfriend that wasn't treating her right and was always fighting about a jealous situation. I was there to witness it and it wasn't very pretty to hear or see. But yes, I'm pretty sure everyone agrees with that question you asked about sticking up for a friend or a family member.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The movie I saw on Sunday

I saw the new movie that just came out called "Fast and the Furious". It was pretty great and it had a lot of action in it. There were new cars that I haven't seen this year that are brand new like a new yellow mustang that has nos and turbo in it. It ran smoothly. Paul Walker is pretty sexy but he wasn't in much scenes of the movies. My little brother was jealous of me for seeing it before him. I rubbed it in his face and told him how the movie was oo and my dad too. That movie is like a movie you can see three more times. That is how great it is and you should go see it for yourself. It is actually worth spending your money.

Monday, April 6, 2009

How to Walk in Heels

How to walk in heels. Some girls think it looks easy to walk in heels but it isn't. You have to walk slow, take your time, then put your heel down on the ground, and strut your stuff. I Like heels because they are cute, comfortable, and they fit me for who I am. I think any heel matches with any outfit. Its also like walking the cat walk. I always watch American Next Top Model and fashion shows. I didn't learn from my friends how to walk in heels. It just came natural to me =]

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Pargraph about Poetry, Song Lyrics, and music

Hmm. My opinion about if people write poetry, song lyrics, and music is because, that it could be their hobby, something to do in their own free time, or they are tryin to put themselves out in the big world. I know someone that is my relative that does write poetry and song lyrics. I also write some love poetry. I used to write to my boyfriends how I would express my feelings towards them.

Friday, March 20, 2009

My Favorite Movie

Dang whats my favorite movie? Its going to have to be Thirteen. There's this girl named Tracy that is thirteen and she is a new girl at school. There's this girl named Evie she's popular, rich, and gets all the guys in her school. Tracy and Evie bump into each other gives complements to each other and Eviee gives her number to Tracy. They both meet up start doing drugs, sex, and getting themselves in trouble when they start hanging out. I love this movie because when I was thirteen I started meeting guys hooking up with them doing drugs, all that stuff that could get me in trouble. Ya drugs are fun to people that first start them to be cool and hang in the wrong crowd but they think it is right to do all these things and keep on going. I used to hate my family until I got counseling and starting to respect my parents and my siblings. It's a bad impression for your siblings to see you scream at your parents and fight constantly. That is what Tracy did everyday to her older brother, and her mother that is divorced, so that puts even more stress on her life because her father is living far away and only visits on Holidays.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Defintion of Freedom

Freedom is a privilege in my house, but you still get told what to do and not to do. If I am going somewhere to go chill with a friend or go shopping I just have to give one of my parents a call and let them know what I am going to be doing. I do get more freedom then some of my friends like they have to go straight home after school and do homework. I used to do that when I went to a regular school, but now since I am going to this school. I don't need to worry about homework that is the good part.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Review of: Free Rice to people that are hungry

I read and played a game that is called Free Rice. The main point in that game was each question you get right, they donate ten grams of rice through the UN (United Nation) World food program to help end hunger. You look at a word that comes up in bold letters and it is multipule choice. Click on an answer that you think the word means it. The rice that you donate makes a huge difference to the person that receives it. About 25,000 people die each year from hunger, most of them are children. Free rice has enough rice to feed millions of people since it started in October 2007.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Description complete paragraph

My bedroom is relaxing, quiet, and fun. You walk in and first you walk down these three steps and you see my stuff that I have placed in my room.Then you see my queen size bed. Second, you see my younger sisters side where her bed is and her stuff that she likes. Right next to my bed I have three mirrors. I like mirrors because I like to get ready in my bedroom. Once you lay down on my bed you will see stick on stars on my ceiling an attic door. People always ask "What does that door lead to?" I have only brought a couple of friends up in the attic. Some of my friends were curious what was up there. All I told them was that there is a lot of old stuff up there.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sentence Correcting

  1. The tigers in the movie looked fierce.
  2. The test had extra credit questions.
  3. Did you ask for more candy?
  4. The art museum is filled with famous paintings.
  5. How many people take a bus to work?
  6. The president will give a speech.
  7. Marianna wants to become a dancer.
  8. A tour guide will point out all city's monuments.
  9. The music was too loud to hear Kim speak.
  10. Do any children have to be taken home?
  11. We were all asleep when the alarm woke us.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Barbie Dolls

Barbie dolls ey? My opinion is that they are just like an ordinary doll except with body parts. It doesn't matter if a kid asks "what are these round things on my doll mommy"? The little kid is going to get told later down the road what they are because kids always ask the weirdest questions. I was like that when I was a little girl: always asking my mommy about what I didn't know.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Where people come up with their beliefs?

Hmm where do people come up with their beliefs? My answer is that they can come up with their own beliefs. But sometims other people tell others about their beliefs and people go along what they do. Because some people don't have what others have and that could become jealous.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Newspaper Article

Main idea: The main point in the newspaper article is that ten people got into a fight over who knows-what. Police came and people started to walk away from the situation.

Opinion: I think that people are dumb these days it comes to gang related fights, stealing stuff from other people, fighting over know one knows. People just don't use their heads and instead they use their fists instead of words. But I have got into a couple fights with girls and one guy. Girls tell the B**** to shut up and then they fight. but then it just ends with beat the S*** out of each other. I think this article was dumb and ridiculous because people don't think before what they do I am a lover NOT a fighter so I try to solve it with words. I just hope that none of my siblings have to go through what I have done in my past days

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Correcting Common Errors Words With Extra Letters

  1. The coach thanked the entire swim team.
  2. What is the best feature of that car?
  3. After years of dry weather, the farmers hoped for rain.
  4. Where is the movie theater on this street?
  5. At the trial, the judge spoke.
  6. We thought we could save time by taking a shortcut.
  7. Some of the litter on the beach is made of plastic.
  8. Shala invited friends to her house for a party.
  9. Our town is building a skateboard park.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Assignment when I was absent

Main idea: Mr. Tony Hawk has been a skateboarder most of his life, he got his first skateboard when he was nine years old. Nine years later he became pro and the number one skateboarder. Some of his accomplishments include being stalked by the media and produced many video games. I have played his video games before, they are really fun and very exciting, they're practically addicting.

Response: When He said "I believe that people should take pride in what they do, even if it is scorned or misunderstood by the public at large", that really caught my eye. People need to believe in what others tell them and take pride in what you do each and everyday.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen

Summary: It first started when Cole lived in Minnesota. He went to a high school and he got snitched on by a kid named Peter Driscal. He got picked on from Cole many times just for the fun of it. Cole caught Peter in a corner and said "Your a dead man." After school Cole caught Peter outside in the parking lot. Cole attacked Peter and started hitting him hard in the face with his bare fists. Peter tried to escape out of it and walk away to be the better person. Cole jumped Peter and started smashing his head against the sidewalk. Cole had six other people pull him off of Peter to tell him "Chill out dude your killing him." Cole stopped, looked at Peter to see the damage that Cole had done to Peter's face, then he spit on him and said, "Nobody crosses Cole Matthews and gets away with it."
Opinion: Why did Cole beat up Peter? It was because Cole vandalized and broke into an abandoned house. Cole went to school the next day and bragged about what he had done that weekend. It got to Peter and he went straight to the principle and snitched on Cole. That's how Peter got put in the hospital by Cole Matthews.
Recomdation: If a student asked me "Is this a great book to read on my leavel"? I would defintely say yes of course. I loved his book it was like an adventure and wait for the day to go by and come back to class, then read more pages and find out what happens. I know I already read this book but I would read this on my alone time. The book was a little tricky at the begining because it took you back in Cole's past time in his life, but then it was awesome words can't explain it you just have to read it and enjoy it.

Friday, February 20, 2009


captan, decapitate

cardiogram, cardilogist

corpse, corporal punishment

comfirm, affirmatiion

Flex, Flect-
Flexile, flexing, deflect, reflection

Form- shape
formation, format, deformed

manicure, manufacture

pedicure, pedestrian

psycho, psychologist

Dict-to say
dictation, predict

Scrib, Script-to write
prescription, scribe,manuscript

Aud-to hear
auditon, auditorium

microscope, scope, telescope, periscope

spectacle, spectator, inspect

video, videographer, evidence

territory,extra terrestrial, terrace



Combine sentence from each root March 3rd:

The geologist studied about submarines, geology and the terrace.

population, popular, populace, pope

mater-, matr-mother
maternity, maternal, matriarch

pater-, patr- father
paternity, paternal, patriarch, patron

Cide, cise- Kill cut
homicide, suicide, insecticide, exercise, scissors

rupt- break
erupt, eruption, rupture, corrupt, interrupt

sect- cut (split)
sector, section, intersect, disect

mortality, motal, immortal, mortician

nation, nationality, natural, native, prenatals

generation, enocide, genes, genetics, genology

I am not scared of dead bodies and I always go to funerals when someone passes away in my family. I always was intersted in being mortician.

I was born in Salem Oregon, but my parents and their nationalities they weren't born in Salem Oregon.

My bio-father passed away before I was born, but I haveall the loving memories about him and pictures. I have his genes and the way he acts.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Newspaper Headlines

We will sell gas to anyone who has a glass container.
Needing a preschool teacher that can teach three year olds, need experience.
A stolen painting found next to a tree.
Two sisters reunited after 18 years at a checkout counter.
The high school dropout percentages have been cut in half.
The hospital was sued by seven podiatrists.


Firmly, confirm, affirmation
flexiable, reflection,flexing, deflect
Formation, (formal),nformation,format,Transform,deformed

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Anger Paragraph

My actions towards my parents were snotty and mean, I didn't care what they said and I never went to the movie theater. When I hung up on my mother she probally got mad because her own daughter hung up on her. I have done that in the past and had to suffer the consequences that were: grounded, doing chores, or getting my cell phone taken away from me for a week (and I don't like my cell phone taken away from me it's my entertainment.) I think next time to control my anger I will chill out, take it easy and not yell because my parents don't like yelling, it doesn't solve anything.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Anger skit

Things that I could possible act out and have an anger issue with it:

  • tell a friend about family and your stressful situations that you are going through
  • Friends how they can tell you one thing about advice for your boyfriend\ girlfriend
  • do something on the telephone watch language

Me: talking on my cell phone talking to a friend about going to the movies and then I have to tell my friend that I have to go ask my parents, then I go ask my parents and they tell me no. and I call my friend back and say that I can't go and freak out and talk about my parents and how they are towards me.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Second Roots

Dict- say
Dictator, Dictionary, Predict, Dictate

Scrib, Script- wirte
Sctripture, Describe, Inscribe, Scibble

Aud- hear
Audience, Audio, Auditorium, Audition

Anger Video

Ron could have hung up and called back a half an hour later, instead of yelling at the person and calling him names. When you are on the phone with a operator it does take awhile to do business over the phone instead of in person. When Ron throw the phone he could of knocked someone out. He should have went in person and dealt with his account.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Short paragraph questions

Conniving little brat, Doesn't care what people say about him and selfish

Now since he got off from the island he feels better and actually thought of what he got himself into.

I mean I don't feel bad for him because if you do anything wrong to get yourself into a mess you have to pay for the consequence's and get yourself out of that mess.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Correct my Paragraph

If there were one thing that I would keep if I had to give away everything I own, it would be my books. I would keep my books because they help me disappear into another world. I love to read and forget about all my problems for awhile. I like to curl up with a blanket then I like to turn on some music and I like to read for hours, but if I cant have all the other stuff at least I would like to have some books to read.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


manual, manicure, manufacture

pedicure, pedestrian, pedal

psychological, psycho, psychologist

I was psycho in my mind to get a manicure and a pedicure that was lime green color.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Anger Situation

When I get angry at my love one, my family, and my friends I just want to aloof from everyone I want to think of what I did wrong and I don't want to because any problems with anyone. The main things I fight about with my friends are men and family issues. Me an my friends are tight together but there are things that friends fight about. I love my friends dearly but when we fight we raise our voices at each other to see who is louder and that we can hear each other more clearly, but after all we are still est friends and don't have much issues as we did before. My family gosh where do I start. I love them, cherish them, but there are our ups and downs that we have together as a family. We are an open family we speak what is on our minds to each other. You know people always come to m and say that "I hate my family I with that they could just rote in hell." I mention to my friends think about the other people that don't have families wish that they could be with them everyday of their lives. But then they attend to yell at me and say "shut up I am hear not to talk about other people I'm talking about ME." Dam sometimes I just wish I didn't have friends or people that would judge me, look a me funny, and clown on me.

How could I address this situation by be calmer more, talk about things that are going on in my life, and express myself to others and tell them how I really feel about them.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sentence Correcting

  1. Cole shuddered then had another spasm and he got the chills as Rosy shoved Edwin lightly.
  2. Cole drank the water that was in a glass,as she held the glass to his lips and he struggled to swallow the pills.
  3. Cole closed his eyes as Rosy cleaned and bandaged his open wounds.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Sentence Combining

  1. Cole struggled to shift his position so the ground was uneven and stiffness had set into his joints like hardened cement.
  2. Cole grimaced and struggled to raise his right knee and he couldn't.
  3. All Cole's life he had been haunted when the nightmares were helplessness.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Cirlce Justice Sprit Bear book

Cole brutally beat up this kid at his high school named Peter. Why did Cole do this, because Peter snitched on Cole for breaking in a hardware store and vandalizing it. Cole's punishment was to go to this Circle Justice class for troubled kids that can help you sort out your problems and talk about them. He had to bring his parents and Peter had to bring his mother. Cole doesn't like his mother or father because behind closed doors Cole gets abused by his father and his mother doesn't do anything. Our group has a feeling that she gets beat by Cole's father so she backs off and says "honey what are you doing?" His father looks at the mother and says "stay out of this" and she walks away. His father is an alcoholic and can't control his drinking. I really think it was a great idea to send Cole to a stranded island all by himself, instead of Juvinial Detention. Cole would beat up other kids because he doesn't let anyone boss him around and tell him what to do. I think that it was a stupid idea for Cole to trying to get away from the island. He doesn't live in Alaska, he lives in Minnesota and that's a lot of swimming if he trying to get away.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sentence Correcting

1. His daughter asked a question, and it was a difficult moment.
2.The fog was thick, so it was hard to see.
3. He felt sick as he got ready to throw the gernade.
4. He threw the gernade, and it made a sound.
5. Kiowa gave him some advice, and it didn't help.
6. He gets upset when he thinks about the war.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Winter Break

Alright on Winter Break I didn't do much. There were a lot of birthdays in the three weeks. On Christmas we don't do much, but last year we went over board on Christmas presents. This year my parents didn't work much to get hours because the economy is low. Me, my two sisters, and my brother got all one hundred dollars that my parents tucked away for us kids so we can at least celebrate Christmas some how. The day after Christmas, my Family and my friend went shopping at the malls. I spent my money on shoes and clothes that's the number one thing I like when I get money.

I had some friends come over like Tiffany (my friend for 3 years) and Julia (my friend since last summer) she lives close to me so she always walk over to my house and surprises me unexpectedly, and my boyfriend came over to my house (he was close by) and said hello and got me a Christmas present like a diamond necklace and a shirt from Zumiez. Those are the three main people that I saw over the Christmas break and I was hoping that would happen. I don't usually chill with a lot of people I might heard about people and bump into them if I am in the same room, but the three people that I named off I like to chill with the most.