Thursday, February 25, 2010

Couple of fears that I am afraid of

I have a couple major fears that I am afraid of: Getting hit by a car, not graduating on time, getting beat up for no particular reason, and grandparents dying. All those fears I do have right now I am afraid that they are going to come soon right around the corner and I am not going to even know about what's coming next. I love my grandparents to the fullest. I don't want them to go away, but you only live one life. I'm SUPER close to all of my grandparents and I have to spend every possible Holiday with them or every chance I get invited to see them.

I have got hit by a car in fifth grade nothing major. I have done naughty things like crossing Commercial street at the busy hour of the day to cross, and on Lancaster street. The latest news that I have been hearing is that twelve people have got hit majorly bad down in Downtown Salem area by vehicles which that they are not looking around their surroundings.

I am a lover not a fighter. I am anti-fighting. If you have a issue with me then don't stress yourself out and sit there talking S*** come up to me and talk it out with me. Half of what people think or say about me isn't true. Certain people just want to pick a fight because they think they're all bad and trying to show off in front of their friends. WRONG!!!! You're making a fool of yourself to fight instead of talk the stressful situation out. It's ridiculous that people don't sit down and talk in verbal words about what is going wrong between us two. Some people like to pick a fight with random people that could possibly just take a glance at you and you took it the wrong way that they stared at you wrong. GRRRRRR!!!! I hate judgemental, and jealous people. People just don't get what respect is towards other people's personal life.

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