Monday, January 5, 2009

Winter Break

Alright on Winter Break I didn't do much. There were a lot of birthdays in the three weeks. On Christmas we don't do much, but last year we went over board on Christmas presents. This year my parents didn't work much to get hours because the economy is low. Me, my two sisters, and my brother got all one hundred dollars that my parents tucked away for us kids so we can at least celebrate Christmas some how. The day after Christmas, my Family and my friend went shopping at the malls. I spent my money on shoes and clothes that's the number one thing I like when I get money.

I had some friends come over like Tiffany (my friend for 3 years) and Julia (my friend since last summer) she lives close to me so she always walk over to my house and surprises me unexpectedly, and my boyfriend came over to my house (he was close by) and said hello and got me a Christmas present like a diamond necklace and a shirt from Zumiez. Those are the three main people that I saw over the Christmas break and I was hoping that would happen. I don't usually chill with a lot of people I might heard about people and bump into them if I am in the same room, but the three people that I named off I like to chill with the most.

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