My adventure through high school. When I started high (freshman year) I was popular, friendly with all people that wanted to meet me, happy (smiley). I've never got decent grades in high school. I started flunking in
eigth grade, that is where my parent's started to see a bad side of Mackenzie. I always partied, snuck out of the house and picked friends that were bad influences on me. I hated my family, didn't care about school and didn't think twice before I did something that could possibly get me into trouble with the law. Everything changed on April 2009, when I got an M.I.P. I used to be friends with a girl I have
knowned since middle school (no names). She was a tight friend to be around twenty-four seven. I didn't spend much time with my family and didn't bother to think that family is all you've got, keep them close to your heart. I picked friends over anything. I was a wild child to my parent's. And a bad reflection on my younger brother and sister. April was the month I was at her house doing the usual hang out, gossip, eat junk food and stay up late. That night I got a text message from one of my other friend. He asked if I wanted to go to a kick back in
Keizer. I was already in
Keizer (that is where she lived). We went to the kick back and started drinking,
blarring loud music, and getting wild. My opinion is teenagers think drugs are great and mess with them everyday until you get caught. That is what happened to me in April. Police banging on the door. The owner didn't let the police in because it wasn't for a
picticualr reason to let them in (stupid owner). I was currently sitting at the table trying to sober up with my friends. Then I saw a face in the window. "Shout" I yelled "It's the cops let them in the front door". Everyone at the party was under age except for the owners. Three of my friends got
breathalyser test done (since they were drunk and couldn't speak well). All of my friends passed and had to wait for their parents come and get them. I looked at the time when we got caught it was three AM. Luckily my father came and picked me up. He was ready to go to work. I was screwed for the rest of the summer. I got my
privileges taken away from me, lost trust in my parents basically having a life in a jail cell.
I turned my life around since I am turning eighteen less than a week. I realized a lot of things that I love and c
harish but never knew them when I was a wild child (I can admit to that now because it is the truth). I didn't have a great relationship with my brother and sister. I love them now till I die. I got everything back that I didn't know meant the world to me. I focus on school much more than I used to. I go to school everyday, wake up proud of myself, do outdoor activities with my brother and sister, go to family sport games, read more, listen to others, care for
individuals, and
finally have respect to me and say no to drugs.