Thursday, December 11, 2008

Sentence Correcting

I went skating down at the pond. Three kids from my school were there. We fell down again and again. We laughed so much our stomachs hurt.

I thought the lopsided game would never end. The score just kept getting worse and worse.

Martha thinks she is so cool, but she is not cool to me.

Joe watched a video. That his mom bought it for him at the store where she worked at.

Susan loved to watch football and she would watch it every Sunday on T.V. Every Saturday she would go to the local college football game. She would always wear the school colors.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Information about Alaska

Wild life:
Kodiak Bear
Polar Bear
Grizzly Bear (Brown Bear)

State sport:
Dog Mushing It once was the primary form of transportation in most of Alaska. Today dog sled racing is a popular winter sport. It was adopted as the state sport in 1972.

Alaska is the largest state union at 586, 412 square miles

Governer: Sarah Palin, R (to Dec. 2010)

Alaska accounts for 25% of the oil produced in the United States.
Located near Prudhoe Bay, on the northern Alaskan coast, is North America's largest oil field. Every day, millions of gallons of oil are removed from Prudhoe Bay and pumped through the Trans-Alaska Pipeline. The pipeline, maintained by Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, snakes its way from Prudhoe Bay on Alaska's northern coast to the southcentral port of Valdez where the oil is pumped into tankers. One of the largest pipeline systems in the world, the Trans-Alaska Pipeline moves up to 88,000 barrels of oil per hour on its 800 mile journey to Valdez

I learned in Sophmore economics that the oil tankers go up to Alaska and take oil from Alaska then bring it back down to the West coast states (Washington, Oregon, California)

Friday, December 5, 2008

Things that are happening in my life

Some stuff that is challenging in my life is:

My family


My family is challenging right now, why? Because I got myself in trouble with my mother on Tuesday night I went to my ex boyfriends house and I was supposed to be at my place no later than dinner time (five or six.) I walked in my house at eight because I missed the bus. My mother didn't believe me that I missed it. We yell a lot when I am not responsible for what I am needing to do. Me and my mom go at a lot and we're like jail cell mates. I told her that her comeback was, "If you don't do stuff that I tell you to do then we won't fight like this everyday!" I love my mom dearly in the heart. I just hate it when we fight it's not really fun. My mom and father want me to change my life and let it be easier for me as well as them. I need to do what I am told, be mature enough and handle my responsibilities.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Fill in the blanks with So and Because

Anna went to the store because she needed milk.
Chris ate too much candy, so his stomach hurt.
Richard felt tired, so he bought an energy drink.
Tesla ran after the bus because she woke up late.

My own sentences:
  • Abby was vomiting all night because she ate five pizzas.
  • Me and a few of my cousins went on a jog. When we got back we were tired, so we went to the store to get some water.
  • I was making dinner and my hair kept on getting in the way, so I went to go put up my hair.
  • I was drinking an energy drink because I was too tired of reading.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Scary or Embarrassing Moment

When I was 16, there was a cemetery that is called Zena the Backwards Church. Me and five of my friends went there and it's a tradition on Halloween, that we go and visit to take pictures of the graves, orbs, etc. Once I went there and there was a kitchen and a church. Me and a friend went up to the kitchen, and really heard a little boy and a little girl playing with children's toys. There was a toy that got thrown out of the kitchen. My friend booked it and I did the same thing. My other friends stayed there and were doing their business. They knew that we were by the kitchen, but they couldn't find us so they walked down the hill, that you walk up to to go to Zena. We hid in the orchards. My friend and I jumped out and scared my three other friends. They screamed and it echoed all around the church area. Another time when we went up there in the orchards there was a man riding his bike, and our vehicle was parked next to the orchards . We all jumped in the car as fast as we can.

Me and my friend were getting ready to go to her house in Keizer. I like to walk around and go back and forth to my bedroom and grab stuff. She likes to follow me wherever I go and I forgot that she does that. So I headed back to the bathroom and I dropped a pair of my panties on the ground. She went to pick them up and I didn't realize it and I screamed because she was in front of me and I didn't know it. To me it was scary/funny, but she was just cracking up a storm. I hated her about ten minutes because she scared me for the second time when I was blow drying my hair in the bathroom. She walked in and scared the living crap out of me. Now I usually lock the door so that doesn't happen again.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Sloppy Firsts: A Novel by Megan McCafferty
Pop Princess: by rachel Cohn
Lost it: by Kristen tracy
Smack: by Melvin Burgess
Tyrell: by Coe booth
Snitch: by Allison Van Diepen
Played: by Dana Davidson
IN those jeans: by Chantel Jolie
Dime piece: by Tracy Brown
Whore: by Tanika Lynch
A hustler's Son: by T. styles

Sentence combining

Janet directs a band, and she plays the drums.
Anthony is a good writer that writes well, but Jake is a better writer than he is.
Marie is a very fast reader; latley she just finished reading War and Peace.
The girl that is sitting next to me is a whiz at math, and also I see that she has a calculater in her hand.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving Holiday

I celebrated two Turkey days. I had to go to Seattle and go to my mom's side of her family to eat. Then on Friday the day after the holiday I went to my dad's side of his family and we ate turkey A LOT. My father grew up in a family that isn't very healthy. Our immediate family are on Weight Watchers and they supply the house with low carb, zero fat, etc, so I was excited to go eat on my dad's half of his family.

Yummmmmy it was a pretty great week and weekend. =]]